Will Jefferson
As an Air Force Veteran, struggling with depression and experiencing homelessness, Will came to Treasure Island after connecting with the VA who referred him to Swords to Plowshares’ (a TIHDI member) residential program.
He completed the program in about a year; got a job he really enjoys on the island through the TIHDI Job Broker program and was able to get his own housing on Treasure Island with roommates. Will utilized all the continuum of services that was offered, including TIHDI’s Economic Self Sufficiency program, where he received financial counseling and assistance that helped him create better budgets and create a stable financial base.
He said that this holistic approach to social services has been “phenomenal.” This is the first time that Will utilized and saw how to put all the pieces together -- the VA, Swords to Plowshares & TIHDI’s ESSP and Job Broker programs to create a more stable and satisfying life. He loves everything about Treasure Island, the views, the grass, its earthy nature and he is exactly where he wants to live.