The mission of the Treasure Island Homeless Development Initiative (TIHDI, pronounced “tie-dye”) is to develop and implement exits from homelessness, and pathways for economic self-sufficiency for disadvantaged families and individuals residing in one of San Francisco’s newest neighborhoods, former Navy Base Treasure Island located in the San Francisco Bay. TIHDI collaborates the work of eight community-based organizations that provide residents and low income job seekers with the tools to transform their lives through affordable housing, work readiness, employment, asset building, and vital community and support services for youth and adults.

While TIHDI’s primary role has been as liaison, convener and community developer, TIHDI has also developed community and direct service programs to fill gaps in services on the island or to further our employment, housing and economic stability objectives. Since the base was decommissioned in 1997, TIHDI has endeavored to create a new San Francisco neighborhood that includes the services and supports found in other San Francisco neighborhoods. TIHDI also operates its own programs that help support the financial stability goals & health of its residents and low-income San Francisco job seekers.


TaxTIHDI and United Way offer Free tax preparation services to low income San Francisco residents in our Ship Shape Community Center.


Employment Program

Employment ProgramWorking with CityBuild, TIHDI is recruiting and preparing the construction workforce to assist employers in meeting their 25% economically disadvantaged hiring goal. This is a tremendous opportunity to help people with barriers to employment obtain careers that pay living wages.


Food Pantry

FoodPantryThe Treasure Island Food Pantry is part of the San Francisco Food Bank’s Neighborhood Food Pantry Program. Each week over 110 Treasure Island households receive supplemental groceries that are distributed through TIHDI.


Ship Shape Community Center

Ship Shape Community CenterThe Ship Shape provides a safe, clean and inviting space for the TI/YBI community to come together—at the weekly food pantry, the computer drop in center, or for community meetings & events.


Economic Self-Sufficiency Program

ESSPThe Economic Self Sufficiency Program (ESSP) aims to assist all island residents in building long-term economic security. Register to our free workshops here.


Job Broker System

Job Broker SystemThe TIHDI Job Broker System works to assist Treasure Island Employers meet the first source hiring goals set aside for formerly homeless and/or economically disadvantaged San Franciscans.


Client Success Story

Gary Victoria

Gary VictoriaGary Victoria and his wife have lived on Treasure Island for the past 10 years with their 5 children. Prior to that he was living in a drug rehab program when his wife heard about an opportunity to live on Treasure Island.

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